Dabar rodoma: Italija - Pašto Ženklai (1920 - 1929) - 179 ženklai.

1920 Express Stamp

gegužė WM: 1 Popieriaus-dydis: 50 Dizainas: G. Cellini Graviravimas: Alberto Repettati Perforacija: 14

[Express Stamp, tipas AM1]
Nr. Tipas D Būklė Nenaudotas Naudotas Laiškas/PDA
117 AM1 50C 5,42 - 1,35 - USD  Info
1920 -1922 Definitives - King Victor Emmanuel III, 1869-1947 - New Values

WM: 1 Popieriaus-dydis: 100 Dizainas: F. Michetti Graviravimas: officina carte valori, Torino Perforacija: 14

[Definitives - King Victor Emmanuel III, 1869-1947 - New Values, tipas AQ4] [Definitives - King Victor Emmanuel III, 1869-1947 - New Values, tipas AQ5] [Definitives - King Victor Emmanuel III, 1869-1947 - New Values, tipas AQ6]
Nr. Tipas D Būklė Nenaudotas Naudotas Laiškas/PDA
118 AQ4 30C 8,67 - 0,81 - USD  Info
119 AQ5 55C 37,92 - 8,67 - USD  Info
120 AQ6 85C 21,67 - 4,33 - USD  Info
118‑120 68,26 - 13,81 - USD 
1921 Coat of Arms - Affiliation of Venezia Giulia

5. birželis WM: 1 Dizainas: Gustavo Petronio. Graviravimas: E. Petiti Printery, Roma. Perforacija: 14

[Coat of Arms - Affiliation of Venezia Giulia, tipas BK] [Coat of Arms - Affiliation of Venezia Giulia, tipas BK1] [Coat of Arms - Affiliation of Venezia Giulia, tipas BK2]
Nr. Tipas D Būklė Nenaudotas Naudotas Laiškas/PDA
121 BK 15C 9,21 - 27,08 - USD  Info
122 BK1 25C 9,21 - 27,08 - USD  Info
123 BK2 40C 9,21 - 27,08 - USD  Info
121‑123 27,63 - 81,24 - USD 
[Pneumatic Dispatch Stamp, tipas BB1]
Nr. Tipas D Būklė Nenaudotas Naudotas Laiškas/PDA
124 BB1 15C 5,42 - 18,42 - USD  Info
[The 600th Anniversary of the Death of Dante Alighieri, 1265-1321, tipas BL] [The 600th Anniversary of the Death of Dante Alighieri, 1265-1321, tipas BM] [The 600th Anniversary of the Death of Dante Alighieri, 1265-1321, tipas BN]
Nr. Tipas D Būklė Nenaudotas Naudotas Laiškas/PDA
125 BL 15C 8,67 - 18,42 - USD  Info
126 BM 25C 8,67 - 18,42 - USD  Info
127 BN 40C 8,67 - 18,42 - USD  Info
125‑127 26,01 - 55,26 - USD 
[Express Letter Stamps - Overprinted with New Value, tipas BJ]
Nr. Tipas D Būklė Nenaudotas Naudotas Laiškas/PDA
128 BJ 1.20/30L/C 2,71 0,81 11,92 - USD  Info
[Victory Edition - The 3rd Anniversary of the Victory in Veneto, tipas BO] [Victory Edition - The 3rd Anniversary of the Victory in Veneto, tipas BO1] [Victory Edition - The 3rd Anniversary of the Victory in Veneto, tipas BO2] [Victory Edition - The 3rd Anniversary of the Victory in Veneto, tipas BO3]
Nr. Tipas D Būklė Nenaudotas Naudotas Laiškas/PDA
129 BO 5C 2,17 - 1,63 - USD  Info
130 BO1 10C 3,25 - 1,63 - USD  Info
131 BO2 15C 7,58 - 7,04 - USD  Info
132 BO3 25C 3,25 - 3,79 - USD  Info
129‑132 16,25 - 14,09 - USD 
[Express Letter - Overprinted with New Value, tipas BP]
Nr. Tipas D Būklė Nenaudotas Naudotas Laiškas/PDA
133 BP 60/50C 65,00 - 1,35 - USD  Info
[The 9th Congress of the Federation of Italian Philatelic Societies - Trieste, tipas BQ] [The 9th Congress of the Federation of Italian Philatelic Societies - Trieste, tipas BQ1] [The 9th Congress of the Federation of Italian Philatelic Societies - Trieste, tipas BQ2] [The 9th Congress of the Federation of Italian Philatelic Societies - Trieste, tipas BQ3]
Nr. Tipas D Būklė Nenaudotas Naudotas Laiškas/PDA
134 BQ 10C 541 - 260 - USD  Info
135 BQ1 15C 379 - 227 - USD  Info
136 BQ2 25C 433 - 227 - USD  Info
137 BQ3 40C 650 - 260 - USD  Info
134‑137 2.004 - 975 - USD 
1922 The 50th Anniversary of the Death of Guiseppe Mazzini, 1805-1872

20. rugsėjis WM: 1 Graviravimas: E. Petiti Printery, Roma. Perforacija: 14

[The 50th Anniversary of the Death of Guiseppe Mazzini, 1805-1872, tipas BR] [The 50th Anniversary of the Death of Guiseppe Mazzini, 1805-1872, tipas BS] [The 50th Anniversary of the Death of Guiseppe Mazzini, 1805-1872, tipas BT]
Nr. Tipas D Būklė Nenaudotas Naudotas Laiškas/PDA
138 BR 25C 16,25 - 23,83 - USD  Info
139 BS 40C 32,50 - 27,08 - USD  Info
140 BT 80C 16,25 - 35,75 - USD  Info
138‑140 65,00 - 86,66 - USD 
1922 Express Stamp

spalis WM: Niekas Popieriaus-dydis: 50 Dizainas: G. Cellini Graviravimas: Alberto Repettati Perforacija: 14

[Express Stamp, tipas AM2]
Nr. Tipas D Būklė Nenaudotas Naudotas Laiškas/PDA
141 AM2 60C 7,58 - 0,81 - USD  Info
1923 The 300th Anniversary of the Congreation "De Propaganda Fide"

11. birželis WM: Niekas Graviravimas: E. Petiti Printery, Roma. Perforacija: 14

[The 300th Anniversary of the Congreation "De Propaganda Fide", tipas BU] [The 300th Anniversary of the Congreation "De Propaganda Fide", tipas BU1] [The 300th Anniversary of the Congreation "De Propaganda Fide", tipas BU2] [The 300th Anniversary of the Congreation "De Propaganda Fide", tipas BU3]
Nr. Tipas D Būklė Nenaudotas Naudotas Laiškas/PDA
142 BU 20C 8,67 - 86,67 - USD  Info
143 BU1 30C 8,67 - 86,67 - USD  Info
144 BU2 50C 8,67 - 86,67 - USD  Info
145 BU3 1L 8,67 - 86,67 - USD  Info
142‑145 34,68 - 346 - USD 
[Definitives - Overprinted with New Denomination, tipas BY] [Definitives - Overprinted with New Denomination, tipas BZ] [Definitives - Overprinted with New Denomination, tipas BZ1] [Definitives - Overprinted with New Denomination, tipas CA] [Definitives - Overprinted with New Denomination, tipas CA1] [Definitives - Overprinted with New Denomination, tipas CA2] [Definitives - Overprinted with New Denomination, tipas CA3]
Nr. Tipas D Būklė Nenaudotas Naudotas Laiškas/PDA
146 BY 7½/85C 1,08 - 1,35 - USD  Info
147 BZ 10/1C 1,08 - 0,54 - USD  Info
148 BZ1 10/2C 1,08 - 0,54 - USD  Info
149 CA 25/60C 4,33 - 0,81 - USD  Info
150 CA1 25/60C 54,17 - 43,34 - USD  Info
151 CA2 50/40C 8,67 - 0,54 - USD  Info
152 CA3 50/55C 81,26 - 8,67 - USD  Info
146‑152 151 - 55,79 - USD 

WM: Niekas Perforacija: 14

Nr. Tipas D Būklė Nenaudotas Naudotas Laiškas/PDA
153 CB 15/10C 2,17 - 16,25 - USD  Info
154 BB2 30C 21,67 - 75,84 - USD  Info
153‑154 23,84 - 92,09 - USD 
[The 1st Anniversary of the March of the Fascisti on Rome, tipas CC] [The 1st Anniversary of the March of the Fascisti on Rome, tipas CC1] [The 1st Anniversary of the March of the Fascisti on Rome, tipas CC2] [The 1st Anniversary of the March of the Fascisti on Rome, tipas CD] [The 1st Anniversary of the March of the Fascisti on Rome, tipas CD1] [The 1st Anniversary of the March of the Fascisti on Rome, tipas CE]
Nr. Tipas D Būklė Nenaudotas Naudotas Laiškas/PDA
155 CC 10C 8,13 - 3,79 - USD  Info
156 CC1 30C 8,13 - 3,79 - USD  Info
157 CC2 50C 10,83 - 6,50 - USD  Info
158 CD 1L 18,42 - 4,33 - USD  Info
159 CD1 2L 18,42 - 10,83 - USD  Info
160 CE 5L 32,50 - 37,92 - USD  Info
155‑160 96,43 - 67,16 - USD 
[The National Militia Welfare Fund, tipas CF] [The National Militia Welfare Fund, tipas CF1] [The National Militia Welfare Fund, tipas CF2]
Nr. Tipas D Būklė Nenaudotas Naudotas Laiškas/PDA
161 CF 30+30 C 70,42 - 86,67 - USD  Info
162 CF1 50+50 C 70,42 - 86,67 - USD  Info
163 CF2 1+1 L 70,42 - 86,67 - USD  Info
161‑163 211 - 260 - USD 
[King Victor Emmanuel III, 1869-1947 - New Colours, tipas AQ7] [King Victor Emmanuel III, 1869-1947 - New Colours, tipas AL3]
Nr. Tipas D Būklė Nenaudotas Naudotas Laiškas/PDA
164 AQ7 60C 18,42 - 27,08 - USD  Info
165 AL3 2L 65,00 - 2,71 - USD  Info
164‑165 83,42 - 29,79 - USD 
1923 The 50th Anniversary of the Death of Alessandro Manzoni, 1785-1873

29. gruodis WM: 1 Graviravimas: E. Petiti Printery, Roma. Perforacija: 14

[The 50th Anniversary of the Death of Alessandro Manzoni, 1785-1873, tipas CG] [The 50th Anniversary of the Death of Alessandro Manzoni, 1785-1873, tipas CH] [The 50th Anniversary of the Death of Alessandro Manzoni, 1785-1873, tipas CI] [The 50th Anniversary of the Death of Alessandro Manzoni, 1785-1873, tipas CJ] [The 50th Anniversary of the Death of Alessandro Manzoni, 1785-1873, tipas CK] [The 50th Anniversary of the Death of Alessandro Manzoni, 1785-1873, tipas CL]
Nr. Tipas D Būklė Nenaudotas Naudotas Laiškas/PDA
166 CG 10C 16,25 - 65,00 - USD  Info
167 CH 15C 16,25 - 65,00 - USD  Info
168 CI 30C 16,25 - 65,00 - USD  Info
169 CJ 50C 16,25 - 65,00 - USD  Info
170 CK 1L 162 - 270 - USD  Info
171 CL 5L 1.300 - 2.166 - USD  Info
166‑171 1.527 - 2.697 - USD 


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